The Red Escallion is a variety that produces a beautiful scarlet red hue with flecks of white, making any salad or dish pop!
Before Planting: Scallions require full sun and fertile, well-drained soil with a pH of 6.0-7.0. Sandy loam soils with good moisture retention are recommended. Add some peat moss can help with moisture retention.
Watering: Scallions are shallow rooted and grow best with at least 1? per week of rain or irrigation, especially during the bulbing phase.
Fertilizer: Upon planting, add compost to the soil, but since Scallions are heavy feeders they will grow best if fertilized throughout their growth. Also, add a timed-release granular 10-10-10 or 12-12-12 fertilizer to spread in the soil. Using a nitrate-based fertilizer will make the onions sweeter at harvest.
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